
Leprosy or Hansen's disease is a chronic infection that affects the mucous membrane, skin, and nerves. It causes discoloration, lumps, disfigurement, and deformities in the skin. Leprosy is spread when a healthy person comes in regular and close contact with the droplets of leprosy patients. The disease is most prevalent through respiratory route transmission and insects.

Types of Leprosy

Intermediate Leprosy

Intermediate leprosy is the earliest stage of leprosy, patients suffer from flat lesions which may heal by themselves.


Tuberculoid Leprosy

Tuberculoid leprosy is a mild and less serious type of leprosy. People suffering from this disease have no sensation in the affected area, and some patches of flat and pale-colored skin. This infection heals on its own or may persist and progress to a more severe form.


Borderline tuberculoid Leprosy

Borderline tuberculoid Leprosy has symptoms similar to the tuberculoid but the infections may be smaller and more in number which may continue and revert to tuberculoid, or any other advanced form.


Mid-borderline Leprosy

The sign and symptoms of mid-borderline are similar to borderline tuberculoid leprosy. The symptoms include reddish plaques with numbness which may regress or progress to another form.


Borderline Leprosy

Borderline leprosy is a cutaneous skin condition, characterized by multiple wounds or scars, plaques, and flat raised bumps that may continue or regress.


Lepromatous Leprosy

Lepromatous Leprosy is a more severe type of disease with many lesions with bacteria. The affected region has numbness, and muscle weakness, full of bumps and rashes. Other symptoms include hair loss, limb weakness, and other body parts like the male reproductive system, kidneys, and nose are also affected.